
Uno Flip!


Uno Flip! is a version of the classic card game Uno, injecting it with an element of unpredictability and excitement. Players must overcome both the light and dark sides of the deck, keeping them on their toes with every flip.

How to Play:

Deal: Each player starts with seven cards, and the remaining cards form a draw pile.
Flip: Begin with the light side of the deck facing up. When someone plays a Flip card, everyone must flip their hands and the discard pile to the opposite side.
Match: Play cards that match either the number or color of the card on the top of the discard pile. If you can't play a card, you must draw from the draw pile.
Special Cards: Utilize special cards like Skip, Reverse, and Draw Two to thwart your opponents.
Flip Wild: The Flip Wild card not only changes the color but also forces everyone to flip the deck.
Draw to Match: If a player draws a card that they can play, they may immediately play it. Otherwise, their turn ends.
Uno: Remember to call "Uno" when you have only one card left; failing to do so can result in penalties if caught by opponents.

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