


2048 is a number puzzle game and has simple gameplay. Your goal is to match tiles containing the same numbers to form a tile with the number 2048.

How to play

To reach the 2048 tile as quickly as possible, choose a corner and concentrate on making the tile in that corner your highest number tile. The bottom right corner is the one that the vast majority of people choose, but you can pick whichever location is most comfortable for you. When you've decided on a corner, there are two directions that will keep your number in that corner no matter what, but pressing the other two directions without thinking could be dangerous. If you have another option, you shouldn't move your highest number out of that corner until it's really necessary.

Tips and tricks

When combining tiles with high values, you shouldn't speed up the process. This could cause the tiles you have set aside to become dispersed, making it more difficult to combine a large number of tiles. Continue to combine squares whose values are close to one another until you attain your objective.


Use your arrow keys to move.