
Diagonal Sudoku


Diagonal Sudoku is a version of Sudoku with a 9 by 9 field including 81 squares. You have to fill the grid and make sure each row, column, and 3x3 subgrid must contain 1 to 9 once. Both main grid diagonals must contain 1 to 9 exactly once. More clues and a simpler game result from this rule. Diagonal Sudoku is hard and accessible for all skill levels because to its unique twist. Players can play this fun puzzle online anytime, anywhere.

How to Play

  • Ensure each row, column, and 3x3 subgrid contains the numbers 1 to 9.
  • Ensure both main diagonals must also contain the numbers 1 to 9 exactly once.
  • Use the pre-filled numbers as clues to guide your placements.
  • Apply logical reasoning to deduce the correct placement of numbers.
  • Ensure no number repeats in any row, column, subgrid, or main diagonal.
  • Review the grid to confirm compliance with all Sudoku rules.