
Flying Orange


Flying Orange is an adventure game, you play an orange that into a dangerous place, and you must navigate obstacles using a jet pack attached to your back.

How to play

With the assistance of your Jetpack, you'll be in charge of a cute little orange as it makes its way through the perils of space. Your hero will need to pick up goods that are strewn throughout the environment at various locations. You will get points for every item that you pick up, and your hero will have the opportunity to acquire different sorts of perks as a result of these points. Gather fuel along the road, avoid falling into deadly traps by jumping high, trigger levers that will unlock a variety of gates, and make it to the escape door as quickly as possible before your life is in danger.

This particular edition of the game has some very impressive visuals in addition to a lovable cast of characters, both of which are responsible for drawing in a large number of children from all corners of the globe.


  • Left arrow key - Move left
  • Right arrow key - Move right
  • Z - Jump
  • X - Use jet