
Glove Power


Play Glove Power and discover the ultimate power of the infinity gauntlet. You need to collect 6 power stones and wipe out half of the world's population.

It is like Fighting Stars Memory. This game is also inspired by the popular Avengers movie by Marvel Studio. In this game, you will experience the power of Thanos' infinity gauntlet. You collect 6 power stones and perform snaps to achieve the highest score. On the way to collecting the stone, you will encounter many obstacles, use the stones to easily overcome the obstacles. You upgrade the stones to their maximum power.

How to control: Use the mouse to control your glove.

The challenge of the game

There are many obstacles that will appear continuously on your way to collect stones. There are saw blades, guillotines, movable walls, and so on. You will fail when you touch these obstacles.

The infinity stones

This game has 6 stones corresponding to different powers:

  • Time Stone (Green) slows the movement of surrounding objects. When you upgrade to the max level, it will freeze objects in the affected space.
  • Space Stone (Blue) expands the space, making it easy to move in tight spaces.
  • Reality Stone (Red) clears half of the obstacles on the way. It can erase 3 objects when upgraded to the max.
  • Power Stone (Purple) creates a circle of power around you, it will obliterate all objects that touch it
  • Mind Stone (Yellow) gives you the ability to calm down and activate the ability to fly.
  • Soul Stone (Orange) is the ultimate stone that activates the ultimate power of the infinity gauntlet to help you remove all obstacles with a snap of your fingers.


  • You use the infinity stones to clear the obstacles.
  • You upgrade the stones to their maximum power.
  • Upgrade the stones before you start playing.