


Pawnbarian is a unique puzzle game that combines chess with cards. Players guide a horned helmeted figure across enemy-filled boards. The main game uses a deck of cards representing chess moves. They draw four cards per turn to move and attack board adversaries, and the discard pile is reshuffled when the deck is empty. Drag cards to highlight movements and capture foes in this strategic planning and adaptability game. Red crosshairs on the board indicate enemy attack tiles, which players must avoid. Players can advance by clearing the board, but they must study enemy tendencies and attack patterns.

How to Play

  • Draw 4 cards each turn from your deck.
  • Drag a card and highlight a direction to execute the corresponding chess move.
  • Attack enemies by moving as you would capture with a chess piece.
  • Avoid ending your turn on red crosshair tiles to prevent losing lives.
  • Use 2 moves per turn, and end your turn early if needed.
  • Observe and learn enemy behaviors and attack patterns for strategic advantage.
  • Clear the board to progress through the game.